© Aaron Spilling 1998-2021

RAL Classic colour chart

RAL Colours

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RAL1000 Grunbeige, Green Beige       RAL1001 Beige, Beige       RAL1002 Sandgelb, Sand Yellow RAL1003 Signalgelb, Signal Yellow       RAL1004 Goldgelb, Golden Yellow       RAL1005 Honiggelb, Honey Yellow
The history of RAL COLOURS began in a period of economic transformation: the first series- production automobile was being manufactured, the age of the talking movies had begun and an economic recovery in Germany had resulted in a rise in prosperity. RAL set the first binding standards in 1927 with a collection of the 40 most widely used colours in industry and public life. These 40 colours were defined for the first time and uniquely classified using RAL numbers. Today, the 2,328 RAL COLOURs are a defining worldwide standard used in industry, trade and design, as well as by professional users of colour. Presented here are the 213 RAL CLASSIC Colours used by hobby paint suppliers and model manufacturers.

RAL - defining colour tones since 1927

RAL1006 Maisgelb, Maize Yellow       RAL1007 Narzissengelb, Dafodil Yellow       RAL1011 Braunbeige, Brown Beige RAL1012 Zitrongelb, Lemon Yellow       RAL1013 Perlweiss, Oyster White       RAL1014 Elfenbein, Ivory
RAL1015 Hellelfenbein, Light Ivory       RAL1016 Schwefelgelb, Sulfur Yellow       RAL1017 Safrangelb, Saffron Yellow RAL1018 Zinkgelb, Zinc Yellow       RAL1019 Graubeige, Grey Beige       RAL1020 Olivgelb, Olive Yellow
RAL1021 Rapsgelb, Rape Yellow       RAL1023 Verkehrsgelb, Traffic Yellow       RAL1024 Ockergelb, Ochre Yellow RAL1026 Leuchtgelb, Luminous Yellow       RAL1027 Currygelb, Curry       RAL1028 Melonengelb, Melon Yellow
RAL1032 Ginstergelb, Broom Yellow       RAL1033 Dahliengelb, Dahlia Yellow       RAL1034 Pastellgelb, Pastel Yellow RAL1035 Perlbeige, Pearl Beige       RAL1036 Perlgold, Pearl Gold       RAL1037 Sonnengelb, Sun Yellow
RAL2000 Gelborange, Yellow Orange       RAL2001 Rotorange, Red Orange       RAL2002 Blutorange, Vermilion
RAL2003 Pastellorange, Pastel Orange       RAL2004 Reinorange, Pure Orange       RAL2005 Leuchtorange, Luminous Orange
RAL2007 Leuchthellorange, Luminous Bright Orange       RAL2008 Hellrotorange, Bright Red Orange       RAL2009 Verkehrsorange, Traffic Orange
RAL2010 Signalorange, Signal Orange       RAL2011 Tieforange, Deep Orange       RAL2012 Lachsorange, Salmon Orange RAL2013 Perlorange, Pearl Orange       RAL3000 Feurrot, Flame Red       RAL3001 Signalrot, Signal Red
RAL3002 Karminrot, Carmine Red       RAL3003 Rubinrot, Ruby Red       RAL3004 Purpurrot, Purple Red RAL3005 Weinrot, Wine Red       RAL3007 Schwarzrot, Black Red       RAL3009 Oxidrot, Oxide Red
RAL3011 Braunrot, Brown Red       RAL3012 Beigerot, Beige Red       RAL3013 Tomatenrot, Tomato Red RAL3014 Altrosa, Antique Pink       RAL3015 Hellrosa, Light Pink       RAL3016 Korallenrot, Coral Red
RAL3017 Rose, Rose       RAL3018 Erdbeerrot, Strawberry Red       RAL3020 Verkehrsrot, Traffic Red RAL3022 Lachsrot, Salmon Pink       RAL3024 Leuchtrot, Luminous Red       RAL3026 Leuchthellrot, Luminous Bright Red
RAL3027 Himbeerrot, Raspberry Red       RAL3028 Reinrot, Pure Red       RAL3031 Orientrot, Orient Red RAL3032 Perlrubinrot, Pearl Ruby Red       RAL3033 Perlrosa, Pearl Pink       RAL4001 Rotlila, Red Lilac
RAL4002 Rotviolett, Red Violet       RAL4003 Erikaviolett, Heather Violet       RAL4004 Bordeauxviolett, Claret Violet RAL4005 Blaulila, Blue Lilac       RAL4006 Verkehrspurpur, Traffic Purple       RAL4007 Purpurviolett, Purple Violet
RAL4008 Signalviolett, Signal Violet       RAL4009 Pastellviolett, Pastel Violet       RAL4010 Telemagenta RAL4011 Perlviolett, Pearl Violet       RAL4012 Perlbrombeer, Pearl Blackberry       RAL5000 Violettblau Violet Blue
RAL5001 Grunblau, Green Blue       RAL5002 Ultramarineblau Ultramarine       RAL5003 Saphirblau, Sapphire Blue RAL5004 Schwarzblau, Black Blue       RAL5005 Signalblau, Signal Blue       RAL5007 Brillantblau, Brilliant Blue
RAL5008 Graublau, Grey Blue       RAL5009 Azurblau, Azure Blue       RAL5010 Enzianblau, Gentian Blue RAL5011 Stahlblau, Black Blue       RAL5012 Lichtblau, Light Blue       RAL5013 Kobaltblau, Cobalt Blue
RAL5014 Taubenblau, Pigeon Blue       RAL5015 Himmelblau, Sky Blue       RAL5017 Verkerhsblau, Traffic Blue RAL5018 Turkisblau, Turquoise Blue       RAL5019 Capriblau, Capri Blue       RAL5020 Ozeanblau, Ocean Blue
RAL5021 Wasserblau, Water Blue       RAL5022 Nachtblau, Night Blue       RAL5023 Fernblau, Distant Blue
RAL5024 Pastellblau, Pastel Blue       RAL5025 Perlenzianblau, Pearl Gentian Blue       RAL5026 Perlnachtblau, Pearl Night Blue
RAL6000 Patinagrun, Patina Green       RAL6001 Smaragdgrun, Emerald Green       RAL6002 Laubgrun, Leaf Green
RAL6003 Olivgrun, Olive Green       RAL6004 Blaugrun, Blue Green       RAL6005 Moosgrun, Moss Green RAL6006 Grauoliv, Grey Olive       RAL6007 Flaschengrun, Bottle Green       RAL6008 Braungrun, Brown Green
RAL6009 Tannengrun, Fir Green       RAL6010 Grasgrun, Grass Green       RAL6011 Resedagrun, Reseda Green RAL6012 Schwarzgrun, Black Green       RAL6013 Schiffgrun, Reed Green       RAL6014 Gelboliv, Yellow Olive
RAL6015 Schwarzoliv, Black Olive       RAL6016 Turkisgrun, Turquoise Green       RAL6017 Maigrun, May Green RAL6018 Gelbgrun, Yellow Green       RAL6019 Weissgrun, Pastel Green       RAL6020 Chromoxidgrun, Chrome Green
RAL6021 Blassgrun, Pale Green       RAL6022 Braunoliv, Olive Drab       RAL6024 Verkehrsgrun, Traffic Green RAL6025 Farngrun, Fern Green       RAL6026 Opalgrun, Opal Green       RAL6027 Lichtgrun, Light Green
RAL6028 Kieferngrun, Pine Green       RAL6029 Minzgrun, Mint Green       RAL6032 Signalgrun, Signal Green RAL6033 Mintturkis, Mint Turquoise       RAL6034 Pastellturkis, Pastel Turquoise       RAL6035 Perlgrun, Pearl Green
RAL6036 Perlopalgrun, Pearl Opal Green       RAL6037 Reingrun, Pure Green       RAL6038 Leuchtgrun, Luminous Green RAL7000 Fehgrau, Squirrel Grey       RAL7001 Silbergrau, Silver Grey       RAL7002 Olivgrau, Olive Grey
RAL7003 Moosgrau, Moss Grey       RAL7004 Signalgrau, Signal Grey       RAL7005 Mausgrau, Mouse Grey RAL7006 Beigegrau, Beige Grey       RAL7008 Khakigrau, Khaki Grey       RAL7009 Grungrau, Green Grey
RAL7010 Zeltgrau, Tarpaulin Grey       RAL7011 Eisengrau, Iron Grey       RAL7012 Basaltgrau, Basalt Grey RAL7013 Barungrau, Brown Grey       RAL7015 Schiefergrau, Slate Grey       RAL7016 Anthrazitgrau, Anthracite Grey
RAL7021 Schwarzgrau, Black Grey       RAL7022 Umbragrau, Umber Grey       RAL7023 Betongrau, Concrete Grey RAL7024 Graphitgrau, Graphite Grey       RAL7026 Granitgrau, Granite Grey       RAL7030 Steingrau, Stone Grey
RAL7031 Blaugrau, Blue Grey       RAL7032 Kieselgrau, Pebble Grey       RAL7033 Zementgrau, Cement Grey RAL7034 Gelbgrau, Yellow Grey       RAL7035 Lichtgrau, Light Grey       RAL7036 Platingrau, Platinum Grey
RAL7037 Staubgrau Dusty Grey       RAL7038 Achatgrau, Agate Grey       RAL7039 Quarzgrau, Quartz Grey
RAL7040 Fenstergrau, Window Grey       RAL7042 Verkehrsgrau A, Traffic Grey A       RAL7043 Verkehrsgrau B, Traffic Grey B
RAL7044 Seidengrau, Silk Grey       RAL7045 Telegrau 1, Telegrey 1       RAL7046 Telegrau 2, Telegrey 2
RAL7047 Telegrau 4, Telegrey 4       RAL7048 Perlmausgrau, Pearl Mouse Grey       RAL8000 Grunbraun, Green Brown RAL8001 Ockerbarun, Ochre Brown       RAL8002 Signalbraun, Signal Brown       RAL8003 Lehmbraun, Clay Brown
RAL8004 Kupferbraun, Copper Brown       RAL8007 Rehbraun, Fawn Brown       RAL8008 Olivbraun, Olive Brown RAL8011 Nussbraun, Nut Brown       RAL8012 Rotbraun, Red Brown       RAL8014 Sepiabraun, Sepia Brown
RAL8015 Kastanienbraun, Chestnut Brown       RAL8016 Mahogonibraun, Mahogany Brown       RAL8017 Schokoladenbraun Chocolate Brown RAL8019 Graubraun, Grey Brown       RAL8022 Schwarzbraun Black Brown       RAL8023 Orangebraun, Orange Brown
RAL8024 Beigebraun Beige Brown       RAL8025 Blassbraun, Pale Brown       RAL8028 Terrabraun, Terra Brown RAL8029 Perlkupfer, Pearl Copper       RAL9001 Cremeweiss, Cream       RAL9002 Grauweiss, Grey White
RAL9003 Signalweiss, Signal White       RAL9004 Signalschwarz, Signal Black       RAL9005 Tiefschwarz, Jet Black RAL9006 Weissaluminium White Aluminium       RAL9007 Graualuminium, Grey Aluminium       RAL9010 Reinweiss, Pure White
RAL9011 Graphitschwarz, Graphite Black       RAL9016 Verkehrsweiss, Traffic White       RAL9017 Verkehrsschwarz Traffic Black RAL9018 Papyrusweiss, Papyrus White       RAL9022 Perlhellgrau, Pearl White Grey       RAL9023 Perldunkelgrau, Pearl Dark Grey
* Whilst every effort is made to provide the most accurate color matching possible we cannot be held responsible for any inconsistencies that may arise. Your use of this website and data acknowledges this. All conversions should be treated as approximations only, all monitors are different, calibrated monitors will be more accurate but there is no guarantee as to the correctness of the RGB swatches. **As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
© Aaron Spilling 1998-2021

RAL Classic colour chart

RAL Colours

The history of RAL COLOURS began in a period of economic transformation: the first series-production automobile was being manufactured, the age of the talking movies had begun and an economic recovery in Germany had resulted in a rise in prosperity. RAL set the first binding standards in 1927 with a collection of the 40 most widely used colours in industry and public life. These 40 colours were defined for the first time and uniquely classified using RAL numbers. Today, the 2,328 RAL COLOURs are a defining worldwide standard used in industry, trade and design, as well as by professional users of colour. Presented here are the 213 RAL CLASSIC Colours used by hobby paint suppliers and model manufacturers.

RAL - defining colour tones since


RAL1000 Grunbeige, Green Beige       RAL1001 Beige, Beige       RAL1002 Sandgelb, Sand Yellow RAL1003 Signalgelb, Signal Yellow       RAL1004 Goldgelb, Golden Yellow       RAL1005 Honiggelb, Honey Yellow
RAL1006 Maisgelb, Maize Yellow       RAL1007 Narzissengelb, Dafodil Yellow       RAL1011 Braunbeige, Brown Beige RAL1012 Zitrongelb, Lemon Yellow       RAL1013 Perlweiss, Oyster White       RAL1014 Elfenbein, Ivory
RAL1015 Hellelfenbein, Light Ivory       RAL1016 Schwefelgelb, Sulfur Yellow       RAL1017 Safrangelb, Saffron Yellow RAL1018 Zinkgelb, Zinc Yellow       RAL1019 Graubeige, Grey Beige       RAL1020 Olivgelb, Olive Yellow
RAL1021 Rapsgelb, Rape Yellow       RAL1023 Verkehrsgelb, Traffic Yellow       RAL1024 Ockergelb, Ochre Yellow RAL1026 Leuchtgelb, Luminous Yellow       RAL1027 Currygelb, Curry       RAL1028 Melonengelb, Melon Yellow
RAL1032 Ginstergelb, Broom Yellow       RAL1033 Dahliengelb, Dahlia Yellow       RAL1034 Pastellgelb, Pastel Yellow RAL1035 Perlbeige, Pearl Beige       RAL1036 Perlgold, Pearl Gold       RAL1037 Sonnengelb, Sun Yellow
RAL2000 Gelborange, Yellow Orange       RAL2001 Rotorange, Red Orange       RAL2002 Blutorange, Vermilion
RAL2003 Pastellorange, Pastel Orange       RAL2004 Reinorange, Pure Orange       RAL2005 Leuchtorange, Luminous Orange
RAL2007 Leuchthellorange, Luminous Bright Orange       RAL2008 Hellrotorange, Bright Red Orange       RAL2009 Verkehrsorange, Traffic Orange
RAL2010 Signalorange, Signal Orange       RAL2011 Tieforange, Deep Orange       RAL2012 Lachsorange, Salmon Orange RAL2013 Perlorange, Pearl Orange       RAL3000 Feurrot, Flame Red       RAL3001 Signalrot, Signal Red
RAL3002 Karminrot, Carmine Red       RAL3003 Rubinrot, Ruby Red       RAL3004 Purpurrot, Purple Red RAL3005 Weinrot, Wine Red       RAL3007 Schwarzrot, Black Red       RAL3009 Oxidrot, Oxide Red
RAL3011 Braunrot, Brown Red       RAL3012 Beigerot, Beige Red       RAL3013 Tomatenrot, Tomato Red RAL3014 Altrosa, Antique Pink       RAL3015 Hellrosa, Light Pink       RAL3016 Korallenrot, Coral Red
RAL3017 Rose, Rose       RAL3018 Erdbeerrot, Strawberry Red       RAL3020 Verkehrsrot, Traffic Red RAL3022 Lachsrot, Salmon Pink       RAL3024 Leuchtrot, Luminous Red       RAL3026 Leuchthellrot, Luminous Bright Red
RAL3027 Himbeerrot, Raspberry Red       RAL3028 Reinrot, Pure Red       RAL3031 Orientrot, Orient Red RAL3032 Perlrubinrot, Pearl Ruby Red       RAL3033 Perlrosa, Pearl Pink       RAL4001 Rotlila, Red Lilac
RAL4002 Rotviolett, Red Violet       RAL4003 Erikaviolett, Heather Violet       RAL4004 Bordeauxviolett, Claret Violet RAL4005 Blaulila, Blue Lilac       RAL4006 Verkehrspurpur, Traffic Purple       RAL4007 Purpurviolett, Purple Violet
RAL4008 Signalviolett, Signal Violet       RAL4009 Pastellviolett, Pastel Violet       RAL4010 Telemagenta RAL4011 Perlviolett, Pearl Violet       RAL4012 Perlbrombeer, Pearl Blackberry       RAL5000 Violettblau Violet Blue
RAL5001 Grunblau, Green Blue       RAL5002 Ultramarineblau Ultramarine       RAL5003 Saphirblau, Sapphire Blue RAL5004 Schwarzblau, Black Blue       RAL5005 Signalblau, Signal Blue       RAL5007 Brillantblau, Brilliant Blue
RAL5008 Graublau, Grey Blue       RAL5009 Azurblau, Azure Blue       RAL5010 Enzianblau, Gentian Blue RAL5011 Stahlblau, Black Blue       RAL5012 Lichtblau, Light Blue       RAL5013 Kobaltblau, Cobalt Blue
RAL5014 Taubenblau, Pigeon Blue       RAL5015 Himmelblau, Sky Blue       RAL5017 Verkerhsblau, Traffic Blue RAL5018 Turkisblau, Turquoise Blue       RAL5019 Capriblau, Capri Blue       RAL5020 Ozeanblau, Ocean Blue
RAL5021 Wasserblau, Water Blue       RAL5022 Nachtblau, Night Blue       RAL5023 Fernblau, Distant Blue
RAL5024 Pastellblau, Pastel Blue       RAL5025 Perlenzianblau, Pearl Gentian Blue       RAL5026 Perlnachtblau, Pearl Night Blue
RAL6000 Patinagrun, Patina Green       RAL6001 Smaragdgrun, Emerald Green       RAL6002 Laubgrun, Leaf Green
RAL6003 Olivgrun, Olive Green       RAL6004 Blaugrun, Blue Green       RAL6005 Moosgrun, Moss Green RAL6006 Grauoliv, Grey Olive       RAL6007 Flaschengrun, Bottle Green       RAL6008 Braungrun, Brown Green
RAL6009 Tannengrun, Fir Green       RAL6010 Grasgrun, Grass Green       RAL6011 Resedagrun, Reseda Green RAL6012 Schwarzgrun, Black Green       RAL6013 Schiffgrun, Reed Green       RAL6014 Gelboliv, Yellow Olive
RAL6015 Schwarzoliv, Black Olive       RAL6016 Turkisgrun, Turquoise Green       RAL6017 Maigrun, May Green RAL6018 Gelbgrun, Yellow Green       RAL6019 Weissgrun, Pastel Green       RAL6020 Chromoxidgrun, Chrome Green
RAL6021 Blassgrun, Pale Green       RAL6022 Braunoliv, Olive Drab       RAL6024 Verkehrsgrun, Traffic Green RAL6025 Farngrun, Fern Green       RAL6026 Opalgrun, Opal Green       RAL6027 Lichtgrun, Light Green
RAL6028 Kieferngrun, Pine Green       RAL6029 Minzgrun, Mint Green       RAL6032 Signalgrun, Signal Green RAL6033 Mintturkis, Mint Turquoise       RAL6034 Pastellturkis, Pastel Turquoise       RAL6035 Perlgrun, Pearl Green
RAL6036 Perlopalgrun, Pearl Opal Green       RAL6037 Reingrun, Pure Green       RAL6038 Leuchtgrun, Luminous Green RAL7000 Fehgrau, Squirrel Grey       RAL7001 Silbergrau, Silver Grey       RAL7002 Olivgrau, Olive Grey
RAL7003 Moosgrau, Moss Grey       RAL7004 Signalgrau, Signal Grey       RAL7005 Mausgrau, Mouse Grey RAL7006 Beigegrau, Beige Grey       RAL7008 Khakigrau, Khaki Grey       RAL7009 Grungrau, Green Grey
RAL7010 Zeltgrau, Tarpaulin Grey       RAL7011 Eisengrau, Iron Grey       RAL7012 Basaltgrau, Basalt Grey RAL7013 Barungrau, Brown Grey       RAL7015 Schiefergrau, Slate Grey       RAL7016 Anthrazitgrau, Anthracite Grey
RAL7021 Schwarzgrau, Black Grey       RAL7022 Umbragrau, Umber Grey       RAL7023 Betongrau, Concrete Grey RAL7024 Graphitgrau, Graphite Grey       RAL7026 Granitgrau, Granite Grey       RAL7030 Steingrau, Stone Grey
RAL7031 Blaugrau, Blue Grey       RAL7032 Kieselgrau, Pebble Grey       RAL7033 Zementgrau, Cement Grey RAL7034 Gelbgrau, Yellow Grey       RAL7035 Lichtgrau, Light Grey       RAL7036 Platingrau, Platinum Grey
RAL7037 Staubgrau Dusty Grey       RAL7038 Achatgrau, Agate Grey       RAL7039 Quarzgrau, Quartz Grey
RAL7040 Fenstergrau, Window Grey       RAL7042 Verkehrsgrau A, Traffic Grey A       RAL7043 Verkehrsgrau B, Traffic Grey B
RAL7044 Seidengrau, Silk Grey       RAL7045 Telegrau 1, Telegrey 1       RAL7046 Telegrau 2, Telegrey 2
RAL7047 Telegrau 4, Telegrey 4       RAL7048 Perlmausgrau, Pearl Mouse Grey       RAL8000 Grunbraun, Green Brown RAL8001 Ockerbarun, Ochre Brown       RAL8002 Signalbraun, Signal Brown       RAL8003 Lehmbraun, Clay Brown
RAL8004 Kupferbraun, Copper Brown       RAL8007 Rehbraun, Fawn Brown       RAL8008 Olivbraun, Olive Brown RAL8011 Nussbraun, Nut Brown       RAL8012 Rotbraun, Red Brown       RAL8014 Sepiabraun, Sepia Brown
RAL8015 Kastanienbraun, Chestnut Brown       RAL8016 Mahogonibraun, Mahogany Brown       RAL8017 Schokoladenbraun Chocolate Brown RAL8019 Graubraun, Grey Brown       RAL8022 Schwarzbraun Black Brown       RAL8023 Orangebraun, Orange Brown
RAL8024 Beigebraun Beige Brown       RAL8025 Blassbraun, Pale Brown       RAL8028 Terrabraun, Terra Brown RAL8029 Perlkupfer, Pearl Copper       RAL9001 Cremeweiss, Cream       RAL9002 Grauweiss, Grey White
RAL9003 Signalweiss, Signal White       RAL9004 Signalschwarz, Signal Black       RAL9005 Tiefschwarz, Jet Black RAL9006 Weissaluminium White Aluminium       RAL9007 Graualuminium, Grey Aluminium       RAL9010 Reinweiss, Pure White
RAL9011 Graphitschwarz, Graphite Black       RAL9016 Verkehrsweiss, Traffic White       RAL9017 Verkehrsschwarz Traffic Black RAL9018 Papyrusweiss, Papyrus White       RAL9022 Perlhellgrau, Pearl White Grey       RAL9023 Perldunkelgrau, Pearl Dark Grey
* Whilst every effort is made to provide the most accurate color matching possible we cannot be held responsible for any inconsistencies that may arise. Your use of this website and data acknowledges this. All conversions should be treated as approximations only, all monitors are different, calibrated monitors will be more accurate but there is no guarantee as to the correctness of the RGB swatches. **As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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